Permainan ini biasa dimainkan anak-anak jaman dulu. Bahannya cukup sederhana :
sebilah papan
dua buah paku
satu karet gelang
serta kayu pendek atau batu pemukul
bunga ilalang atau bisa juga tutup spidol warna yang ringan
cara membuat :
1. tancapkan paku pada sebilah papan dengan jarak sesuai regangan karet
2. regangkan karet gelang pada dua paku tersebut. bila lebar regangan terlalu sempit, bisa ditambahkan paku lagi.
3. ambil bunga ilalang, potong pada pangkal bunganya. bila masih terlalu panjang, bunga ilalang bisa dipotong.
taruh keduanya saling berhadapan pada pangkalnya.
cara memainkan :
dua orang pemain saling mengetuk paku dengan kayu kecil. getaran paku akan merambat ke karet, sehingga bunga ilalang di atasnya akan
bergerak bertubrukan. siapa pemilik domba yang bertahan di atas karet (ring), dialah sang pemenang.
note :
permainan ini dapat dilakukan tanpa papan dan paku. cukup menggunakan dua bilah kayu kecil yang ditancapkan di tanah. regangkan karet gelang sebagai arena. maka adu domba bisa dilakukan dimana saja.
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Saturday, March 31, 2012
Membuat Mainan Suling Padi
Sesuai namanya, suling ini terbuat dari batang padi yang besar. bisa pula dari rumput-rumputan besar, asal tidak kaku seperti bambu, dan bagian tengah batangnya berongga.
cara pembuatan :
ambil satu batang batang padi yang besar, dan masih memiliki buku batang, seperti gambar di bawah ini
potong batang padi hingga menyisakan satu buku padi. memotongnya harus mennggunakan pisau/guntuing yang tajam, sehingga batang padi tidak pecah.
tekan bagian di bawah buku batang dengan mengunakan jempol dan telunjuk. perlahan sambil diputar, agar tidak semua buku padi pecah.
bila caranya benar, maka batang padi akan pecah kecil-kecil seperti gambar di bawah ini
pegang bagian pangkal dan ujung bambu, dan tekan ke arah dalam hingga pecahan batang padi tertekuk ke arah luar.
suling padi pun selesai. cara meniupnya masukkan batang padi ke mulut sampai melewati pecahan batangnya (pecahan yang ditekuk masuk ke dalam mulut). dan tiup dengan keras.
cara pembuatan :
ambil satu batang batang padi yang besar, dan masih memiliki buku batang, seperti gambar di bawah ini
potong batang padi hingga menyisakan satu buku padi. memotongnya harus mennggunakan pisau/guntuing yang tajam, sehingga batang padi tidak pecah.
tekan bagian di bawah buku batang dengan mengunakan jempol dan telunjuk. perlahan sambil diputar, agar tidak semua buku padi pecah.
bila caranya benar, maka batang padi akan pecah kecil-kecil seperti gambar di bawah ini
pegang bagian pangkal dan ujung bambu, dan tekan ke arah dalam hingga pecahan batang padi tertekuk ke arah luar.
suling padi pun selesai. cara meniupnya masukkan batang padi ke mulut sampai melewati pecahan batangnya (pecahan yang ditekuk masuk ke dalam mulut). dan tiup dengan keras.
Membuat Mobil-Mobilan/Telektek (Sunda)
1. Membuat mobil mainan (Telektek, sunda)
Bahan :
Bambu belah
sandal bekas, dibuat menjadi 4 buah roda
2 unit bambu bulat (diameter 1 cm; panjang 2 cm), bisa pula menggunakan bekas spidol gambar
kayu/banbu panjang (kira-kira 1 meter)
1 kaleng bekas susu utuh (kaleng besar : susu kental manis)
1/4 bagian kaleng susu kecil merk Bearbrand
2 lembaran kaleng tebal (bisa dari kaleng susu kental manis) berukuran 1 cm x 2 cm, dan dibengkokkan/ditekuk 90 derajat.
karet gelang secukupnya
Cara Membuat :
Bambu belah di potong-potong menjadi gambar berikut
potongan bambu belah
sedangkan bahan yang disiapkan menjadi seperti ini
bahan lain yang disiapkan
rangkai semua bahan sebagai berikut :
a. ambil 2 potong bambu no. 1, dan 1 potong bambu no. 2, rangkai seperti gambar, dan diikat dengan karet.
bambu no. 1 & 2
b. tambahkan bambu no. 3 pada sisi rangkaian di atas
tambah bambu no.3
c. ikat bambu no.4 pada kira-kira sepertiga bagian paling atas rangkaian. dan ikatkan dua bambu bulat seperti pada gambar di bawah ini
tambah bambu no. 4 dan bambu bulat pendek
d. tusuk potongan kaleng kecil dengan bambu no. 2 lainnya dan diikatkan dengan karet di belakang bambu no 4 di atas, hingga hasilnya seperti ini
kaleng susu kecil ditempatkan pada rangkaian
e. Ambil bambu no. 7 dan belah/iris sedikit bagian tengahnya, kemudian masukkan kaleng bengkok bertolak belakang. bambu no. 7 ini kemudian dimasukkan dalam bambu bulat.
membuat as roda
f. pasang roda pada as (no. 7). Pasang karet diantara roda dan kaleng kecil, kemudian pasang tongkat pemukul kaleng (dipilin pada karet ke arah belakang). Bila benar memilinnya, saat roda dijalankan ke depan maka tongkat memukul pantat kaleng.
rangkaian bawah
g. buat rangkaian atas dengan memanfaatkan sisa potongan bambu yang ada, kemudian digabungkan dengan rangkaian bawah. Kaleng susu utuh diikat di atasnya sebagai aksesories tangki minyak.
rangkaian atas dan bawah setelah digabungkan
rangkaian utuh
h. buat roda depan dengan menggunakan sisa bulatan sandal bekas, dan tongkat panjang, seperti gbr. berikut
roda depan
i. gabungkan keduanya sehingga menjadi mainan mobil-mobilan
(sebutan di jawa barat : telektek)
Bahan :
Bambu belah
sandal bekas, dibuat menjadi 4 buah roda
2 unit bambu bulat (diameter 1 cm; panjang 2 cm), bisa pula menggunakan bekas spidol gambar
kayu/banbu panjang (kira-kira 1 meter)
1 kaleng bekas susu utuh (kaleng besar : susu kental manis)
1/4 bagian kaleng susu kecil merk Bearbrand
2 lembaran kaleng tebal (bisa dari kaleng susu kental manis) berukuran 1 cm x 2 cm, dan dibengkokkan/ditekuk 90 derajat.
karet gelang secukupnya
Cara Membuat :
Bambu belah di potong-potong menjadi gambar berikut
potongan bambu belah
sedangkan bahan yang disiapkan menjadi seperti ini
bahan lain yang disiapkan
rangkai semua bahan sebagai berikut :
a. ambil 2 potong bambu no. 1, dan 1 potong bambu no. 2, rangkai seperti gambar, dan diikat dengan karet.
bambu no. 1 & 2
b. tambahkan bambu no. 3 pada sisi rangkaian di atas
tambah bambu no.3
c. ikat bambu no.4 pada kira-kira sepertiga bagian paling atas rangkaian. dan ikatkan dua bambu bulat seperti pada gambar di bawah ini
tambah bambu no. 4 dan bambu bulat pendek
d. tusuk potongan kaleng kecil dengan bambu no. 2 lainnya dan diikatkan dengan karet di belakang bambu no 4 di atas, hingga hasilnya seperti ini
kaleng susu kecil ditempatkan pada rangkaian
e. Ambil bambu no. 7 dan belah/iris sedikit bagian tengahnya, kemudian masukkan kaleng bengkok bertolak belakang. bambu no. 7 ini kemudian dimasukkan dalam bambu bulat.
membuat as roda
f. pasang roda pada as (no. 7). Pasang karet diantara roda dan kaleng kecil, kemudian pasang tongkat pemukul kaleng (dipilin pada karet ke arah belakang). Bila benar memilinnya, saat roda dijalankan ke depan maka tongkat memukul pantat kaleng.
rangkaian bawah
g. buat rangkaian atas dengan memanfaatkan sisa potongan bambu yang ada, kemudian digabungkan dengan rangkaian bawah. Kaleng susu utuh diikat di atasnya sebagai aksesories tangki minyak.
rangkaian atas dan bawah setelah digabungkan
rangkaian utuh
h. buat roda depan dengan menggunakan sisa bulatan sandal bekas, dan tongkat panjang, seperti gbr. berikut
roda depan
i. gabungkan keduanya sehingga menjadi mainan mobil-mobilan
(sebutan di jawa barat : telektek)
Membuat Mainan Baling-Baling Bambu
Bahan :
1 batang bambu berdiameter kecil (3-5 cm)
1 batang bambu belah
benang nilon yang tebal dan kuat
lem kayu
Cara membuat :
a. Bambu berdiameter kecil di potong dengan panjang kira-kira 15 cm, dan menyisakan satu bukunya. Buat Lubang; satu pada bagian bukunya, dan satu lagi pada sisi bambu, kira-kira 5 cm dari buku bambu.

1 batang bambu berdiameter kecil (3-5 cm)
1 batang bambu belah
benang nilon yang tebal dan kuat
lem kayu
Cara membuat :
a. Bambu berdiameter kecil di potong dengan panjang kira-kira 15 cm, dan menyisakan satu bukunya. Buat Lubang; satu pada bagian bukunya, dan satu lagi pada sisi bambu, kira-kira 5 cm dari buku bambu.
b. Bambu berdiameter besar dibelah kecil dan di buat seperti tusuk sate. kira-kira panjangnya 25 cm.
c. belah lagi bambu agak lebar dan diserut sampai tipis membentuk baling-baling. Pada bagian tengah, diberi lubang.
e. Rangkai semua bahan menjadi sepertidalam gambar di bawah. Pasang tali dan diikat pada baling-baling. Dan beri sepotong bambu kecil pada ujung tali agar tali sebagai pegangan.
cara memainkan :
putar baling-baling hingga tali tergulung ke satu sisi. tarik dengan keras sehingga baling berputar. biarkan putaran menggulng tali ke sisi lainnya, hingga tali bisa di tarik kembali. demikian dilakukan berulang-ulang.
putar baling-baling hingga tali tergulung ke satu sisi. tarik dengan keras sehingga baling berputar. biarkan putaran menggulng tali ke sisi lainnya, hingga tali bisa di tarik kembali. demikian dilakukan berulang-ulang.
Contoh Recount Text
jika anda pusing2 mencari recount teks nih saya kasih con toh nya
Ex 1
On Friday, we went to the Blue Mountain. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and tennis court.
On Saturday, we saw the Three Sisters and we went on the scenic railway. It was scary. Then, Mom and I went shopping with Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old hats. On Sunday, we went on the scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos having shower.
In the afternoon, we went home.
Ex 2
One day I was setting in the local library, I started to read a medical encyclopedia that was lying on the table in front of me. The first illness I read about was cholera. As I read the list of symptoms, it occurred to me that perhaps I had cholera myself. I sat for a while, too frightened to move.
Then, in a kind of dream, I started to turn the pages of the book again. I came to malaria. Yes, there was no doubt about it – I had malaria too. And I certainly had hepatitis. And yellow fever. And so it went on. I read through the whole book, and by the end I came to the conclusion that I had every illness. There was only one illness I didn’t have – and that was housemaid’s knee.
I sat and thought, and I became more and more worried. I wondered how long I had to live. I examined myself. I felt my pulse. At first, I couldn’t find it at all; then, suddenly it seems start off. I looked at my watch to time it – it was beating 147 times a minute. I tried to feel my heart. I couldn’t feel it. It wasn’t beating. I stuck my tongue out and tried to look at it. I could only see the end of it, but from that I was even more certain than before that I had yellow fever.
I went straight to my doctor, who was a good friend of mine. “What’s the matter with you?” he asked. “I have every illness in the medical encyclopedia.” I told him how I read the medical encyclopedia. Then he opened my mouth and looked at my tongue, and he felt mu pulse, and he listened to my heart. Then he sat down and wrote a prescription. It said:
3 good meals every day
A two-mile walk every day morning
Be in bed at 11 o’clock every night
Don’t read medical books!
Ex 3
Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy.
After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach. Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.
When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.
Ex 4
On Wednesday, my students and I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro. On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa, and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahma and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple was being renovated. On Friday morning, we went to Jogja Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed. In the evening we left for Jakarta by Wisata bus.
Ex 5
Last night our family went to Ball Dome to watch the Kings play the Shooters.
When we got to the stadium, an usher showed us our seats. Just as we sat down the band played the national anthem so we stood.
After the anthem both teams entered the court. As they did, the cheerleaders waved their steamers.
Next, the referee placed his whistle in his mouth and signaled the start of the play. The game was so hot that the supporters of the two teams yelled out their chants every time a player scored the point.
In the end, the Shooters won and our family was happy that both teams had given their best.
Ex 6
My mother got me ready for school then I had to wait for her to brush my hair and place every strand in just the perfect position. I had to show her my shoes that I had cleaned the night before and my school bag had to be neatly put on my shoulder before I could get near the door. Only after my mother was totally satisfied would I be allowed to rush out of the front door.
I would leave home at 8 am on the dot and make my way down the lane. After a walk of about 700 metres I would be able to see the tall steeple of the school.
The playground would be full in the summer and the noise would make me want to rush into the yard and get into a good game of football before the bell went.
Ex 7
Let me remind you my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I was on my car. I was driving home from my vocation to Bali.
Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the left. I thought I got flat tire. I did not know that it was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake when I saw some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the ground, like matchsticks.
Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not move my car at all. There were rocks everywhere. There was nothing I could do but left the car and walked along way to my house, in the town.
When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake made a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously injured.
Ex 8
My Rush Time as a Journalist
I usually woke up at eight o’clock a.m. and went to the Press Center to check the daily schedule of briefings and press conferences. It was usually held by the United Nation officials or disaster mitigation team.
It was challenging to visit different refugee camps to find soft stories, human interest stories. After that I went back to the Press Center to cover the press conferences of the day.
It was heart breaking when I saw these survivors fight for food and secondhand clothing. Unfortunately as they said, the food and clothing were limited and inadequate. Emerging to glaring, fool noon, it was time to go back to Press Center to write stories and race against time. I was always fearing that the internet would come crushing down.
After everything was done, only then I remembered to eat. Most times, I only ate once a day because I always had to rush and again it was difficult to find food. I had to travel quite far. I needed to spend a 30 to 45 minutes by car just to find fresh food.
Ex 9
Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London
They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.
The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.
The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy
I followed the doctor’s instructions, and I am happy to say that I now feel quite well again.
Ex 1
On Friday, we went to the Blue Mountain. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and tennis court.
On Saturday, we saw the Three Sisters and we went on the scenic railway. It was scary. Then, Mom and I went shopping with Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old hats. On Sunday, we went on the scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos having shower.
In the afternoon, we went home.
Ex 2
One day I was setting in the local library, I started to read a medical encyclopedia that was lying on the table in front of me. The first illness I read about was cholera. As I read the list of symptoms, it occurred to me that perhaps I had cholera myself. I sat for a while, too frightened to move.
Then, in a kind of dream, I started to turn the pages of the book again. I came to malaria. Yes, there was no doubt about it – I had malaria too. And I certainly had hepatitis. And yellow fever. And so it went on. I read through the whole book, and by the end I came to the conclusion that I had every illness. There was only one illness I didn’t have – and that was housemaid’s knee.
I sat and thought, and I became more and more worried. I wondered how long I had to live. I examined myself. I felt my pulse. At first, I couldn’t find it at all; then, suddenly it seems start off. I looked at my watch to time it – it was beating 147 times a minute. I tried to feel my heart. I couldn’t feel it. It wasn’t beating. I stuck my tongue out and tried to look at it. I could only see the end of it, but from that I was even more certain than before that I had yellow fever.
I went straight to my doctor, who was a good friend of mine. “What’s the matter with you?” he asked. “I have every illness in the medical encyclopedia.” I told him how I read the medical encyclopedia. Then he opened my mouth and looked at my tongue, and he felt mu pulse, and he listened to my heart. Then he sat down and wrote a prescription. It said:
3 good meals every day
A two-mile walk every day morning
Be in bed at 11 o’clock every night
Don’t read medical books!
Ex 3
Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy.
After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach. Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.
When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.
Ex 4
On Wednesday, my students and I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro. On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa, and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahma and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple was being renovated. On Friday morning, we went to Jogja Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed. In the evening we left for Jakarta by Wisata bus.
Ex 5
Last night our family went to Ball Dome to watch the Kings play the Shooters.
When we got to the stadium, an usher showed us our seats. Just as we sat down the band played the national anthem so we stood.
After the anthem both teams entered the court. As they did, the cheerleaders waved their steamers.
Next, the referee placed his whistle in his mouth and signaled the start of the play. The game was so hot that the supporters of the two teams yelled out their chants every time a player scored the point.
In the end, the Shooters won and our family was happy that both teams had given their best.
Ex 6
My mother got me ready for school then I had to wait for her to brush my hair and place every strand in just the perfect position. I had to show her my shoes that I had cleaned the night before and my school bag had to be neatly put on my shoulder before I could get near the door. Only after my mother was totally satisfied would I be allowed to rush out of the front door.
I would leave home at 8 am on the dot and make my way down the lane. After a walk of about 700 metres I would be able to see the tall steeple of the school.
The playground would be full in the summer and the noise would make me want to rush into the yard and get into a good game of football before the bell went.
Ex 7
Let me remind you my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I was on my car. I was driving home from my vocation to Bali.
Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the left. I thought I got flat tire. I did not know that it was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake when I saw some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the ground, like matchsticks.
Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not move my car at all. There were rocks everywhere. There was nothing I could do but left the car and walked along way to my house, in the town.
When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake made a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously injured.
Ex 8
My Rush Time as a Journalist
I usually woke up at eight o’clock a.m. and went to the Press Center to check the daily schedule of briefings and press conferences. It was usually held by the United Nation officials or disaster mitigation team.
It was challenging to visit different refugee camps to find soft stories, human interest stories. After that I went back to the Press Center to cover the press conferences of the day.
It was heart breaking when I saw these survivors fight for food and secondhand clothing. Unfortunately as they said, the food and clothing were limited and inadequate. Emerging to glaring, fool noon, it was time to go back to Press Center to write stories and race against time. I was always fearing that the internet would come crushing down.
After everything was done, only then I remembered to eat. Most times, I only ate once a day because I always had to rush and again it was difficult to find food. I had to travel quite far. I needed to spend a 30 to 45 minutes by car just to find fresh food.
Ex 9
Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London
They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.
The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.
The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy
I followed the doctor’s instructions, and I am happy to say that I now feel quite well again.
Friday, March 30, 2012
tangga lagu barat terbaru 2012
Chart / Tangga Lagu Barat Mancanegara Terbaru Bulan Maret 2012
Top 100 Billboard Maret 2012
1: Part Of Me, Katy Perry
2: Set Fire To The Rain, Adele
3: I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston
4: Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You), Kelly Clarkson
5: Rolling In The Deep, Adele
6: We Are Young, fun. Featuring Janelle Monae
7: Someone Like You, Adele
8: We Found Love, Rihanna Featuring Calvin Harris
9: Starships, Nicki Minaj
10: Turn Up The Music, Chris Brown
11 sebelas: Turn Me On, David Guetta Featuring Nicki Minaj
12: Good Feeling, Flo Rida
13: Sexy And I Know It, LMFAO
14: Young, Wild & Free, Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa Featuring Bruno Mars
15: Rack City, TygaSaturday,
Chart Billboard 3 Maret 2012 Tangga lagu
16: It Will Rain, Bruno Mars
17: International Love, Pitbull Featuring Chris Brown
18: Domino, Jessie J
19: The Motto, Drake Featuring Lil Wayne
20: Paradise, Coldplay
Lagu Barat Terpopuler Maret 2012
21: Take Care, Drake Featuring Rihanna
22: Love You Like A Love Song, Selena Gomez & The Scene
23: Glad You Came, The Wanted24: Ni**as in Paris machsa , Jay Z Kanye West
25: I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me), Whitney Houston
26: Ass Back Home, Gym Class Heroes Featuring Neon Hitch
27: Somebody That I Used To Know, Gotye Featuring Kimbra
28: What Makes You Beautiful, One Direction
29: Party Rock Anthem, LMFAO Featuring Lauren Bennett & GoonRock
30: The One That Got Away, Katy Perry
31: Moves Like Jagger, Maroon 5 Featuring Christina Aguilera
32: Not Over You, Gavin DeGraw
33: Dance (A$$), Big Sean Featuring Nicki Minaj
34: Work Out, J. Cole35: A Thousand Years, Christina Perri
36: Greatest Love Of All, Whitney Houston
37: Without You, David Guetta Featuring Usher
38: Stereo Hearts, Gym Class Heroes Featuring Adam Levine
39: Give Me All Your Luvin', Madonna Featuring Nicki Minaj & M.I.A.
40: I Don't Want This Night To End, Luke BryanSaturday
41: Red Solo Cup, Toby Keith
42: Strip, Chris Brown Featuring Kevin K-MAC McCall
43: Drive By, Train
44: I Like It Like That, Hot Chelle Rae Featuring New Boyz
45: Wild Ones, Flo Rida Featuring Sia
46: Ours, Taylor Swift
47: Make Me Proud, Drake Featuring Nicki Minaj
48: Just A Kiss, Lady Antebellum
49: How Will I Know, Whitney Houston
50: Runaway Baby, Bruno Mars
51: Tonight Is The Night, Outasight
52: A Woman Like You, Lee Brice
53: Blackout, Breathe Carolina
54: Princess Of China, Coldplay Featuring Rihanna
55: Alone With You, Jake Owen
56: Safe & Sound, Taylor Swift Featuring The Civil Wars
57: Home, Dierks Bentley lagu barat terbaru maret
58: You, Chris Young
59: I Won't Give Up, Jason Mraz
60: Sorry For Party Rocking, LMFAO
61: You Gonna Fly, Keith Urban
62: Talk That Talk, Rihanna Featuring Jay-Z
63: Banjo, Rascal Flatts
64: Over You, Miranda Lambert
65: Heartbeat, The Fray
66: Love On Top, Beyonce67: Rumour Has It, Adele
68: Mirror, Lil Wayne Featuring Bruno Mars
69: Drink On It, Blake Shelton
70: Lotus Flower Bomb, Wale Featuring Miguel
71: Can't Get Enough, J. Cole Featuring Trey Songz
72: You Da One, Rihanna
73: Reality, Kenny Chesney
74: Dancin' Away With My Heart, Lady Antebellum
75: Levels, Avicii
76: I'm Gonna Love You Through It, Martina McBride
77: Feel So Close, Calvin Harris
78: Gotta Have It, Jay Z Kanye West
79: Ima Boss, Meek Mill Featuring T.I., Birdman, Lil Wayne, DJ Khaled, Rick Ross & Swizz Beatz
80: Better Than I Used To Be, Tim McGraw
81: When I'm Gone, Wiz Khalifa
82: I Do, Young Jeezy Featuring Jay-Z & Andre 300083: The Trouble With Girls, Scotty McCreery
84: Lights, Ellie Goulding
85: Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites, Skrillex
86: Stupid Hoe, Nicki Minaj
87: I Will Always Love You, Glee Cast88: Don't Stop (Color On The Walls), Foster The People
89: Somethin' 'Bout A Truck, Kip Moore
90: I Can Only Imagine, David Guetta Featuring Chris Brown & Lil Wayne
91: Faded, Tyga Featuring Lil Wayne
92: Stereo Hearts, Glee Cast
93: Where I Come From, Montgomery Gentry
94: Love's Gonna Make It Alright, George Strait
95: Bangarang, Skrillex Featuring Sirah
96: Lonely Boy, The Black Keys
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97: Drank In My Cup, Kirko Bangz
98: No Church In The Wild, Jay Z Kanye West Featuring Frank Ocean
99: You Don't Know Her Like I Do, Brantley GilbertSaturday
100: Raise Your Weapon, deadmau5 Featuring Greta Svabo Bech
Top 100 Billboard Maret 2012
1: Part Of Me, Katy Perry
2: Set Fire To The Rain, Adele
3: I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston
4: Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You), Kelly Clarkson
5: Rolling In The Deep, Adele
6: We Are Young, fun. Featuring Janelle Monae
7: Someone Like You, Adele
8: We Found Love, Rihanna Featuring Calvin Harris
9: Starships, Nicki Minaj
10: Turn Up The Music, Chris Brown
11 sebelas: Turn Me On, David Guetta Featuring Nicki Minaj
12: Good Feeling, Flo Rida
13: Sexy And I Know It, LMFAO
14: Young, Wild & Free, Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa Featuring Bruno Mars
15: Rack City, TygaSaturday,
Chart Billboard 3 Maret 2012 Tangga lagu
16: It Will Rain, Bruno Mars
17: International Love, Pitbull Featuring Chris Brown
18: Domino, Jessie J
19: The Motto, Drake Featuring Lil Wayne
20: Paradise, Coldplay
Lagu Barat Terpopuler Maret 2012
21: Take Care, Drake Featuring Rihanna
22: Love You Like A Love Song, Selena Gomez & The Scene
23: Glad You Came, The Wanted24: Ni**as in Paris machsa , Jay Z Kanye West
25: I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me), Whitney Houston
26: Ass Back Home, Gym Class Heroes Featuring Neon Hitch
27: Somebody That I Used To Know, Gotye Featuring Kimbra
28: What Makes You Beautiful, One Direction
29: Party Rock Anthem, LMFAO Featuring Lauren Bennett & GoonRock
30: The One That Got Away, Katy Perry
31: Moves Like Jagger, Maroon 5 Featuring Christina Aguilera
32: Not Over You, Gavin DeGraw
33: Dance (A$$), Big Sean Featuring Nicki Minaj
34: Work Out, J. Cole35: A Thousand Years, Christina Perri
36: Greatest Love Of All, Whitney Houston
37: Without You, David Guetta Featuring Usher
38: Stereo Hearts, Gym Class Heroes Featuring Adam Levine
39: Give Me All Your Luvin', Madonna Featuring Nicki Minaj & M.I.A.
40: I Don't Want This Night To End, Luke BryanSaturday
41: Red Solo Cup, Toby Keith
42: Strip, Chris Brown Featuring Kevin K-MAC McCall
43: Drive By, Train
44: I Like It Like That, Hot Chelle Rae Featuring New Boyz
45: Wild Ones, Flo Rida Featuring Sia
46: Ours, Taylor Swift
47: Make Me Proud, Drake Featuring Nicki Minaj
48: Just A Kiss, Lady Antebellum
49: How Will I Know, Whitney Houston
50: Runaway Baby, Bruno Mars
51: Tonight Is The Night, Outasight
52: A Woman Like You, Lee Brice
53: Blackout, Breathe Carolina
54: Princess Of China, Coldplay Featuring Rihanna
55: Alone With You, Jake Owen
56: Safe & Sound, Taylor Swift Featuring The Civil Wars
57: Home, Dierks Bentley lagu barat terbaru maret
58: You, Chris Young
59: I Won't Give Up, Jason Mraz
60: Sorry For Party Rocking, LMFAO
61: You Gonna Fly, Keith Urban
62: Talk That Talk, Rihanna Featuring Jay-Z
63: Banjo, Rascal Flatts
64: Over You, Miranda Lambert
65: Heartbeat, The Fray
66: Love On Top, Beyonce67: Rumour Has It, Adele
68: Mirror, Lil Wayne Featuring Bruno Mars
69: Drink On It, Blake Shelton
70: Lotus Flower Bomb, Wale Featuring Miguel
71: Can't Get Enough, J. Cole Featuring Trey Songz
72: You Da One, Rihanna
73: Reality, Kenny Chesney
74: Dancin' Away With My Heart, Lady Antebellum
75: Levels, Avicii
76: I'm Gonna Love You Through It, Martina McBride
77: Feel So Close, Calvin Harris
78: Gotta Have It, Jay Z Kanye West
79: Ima Boss, Meek Mill Featuring T.I., Birdman, Lil Wayne, DJ Khaled, Rick Ross & Swizz Beatz
80: Better Than I Used To Be, Tim McGraw
81: When I'm Gone, Wiz Khalifa
82: I Do, Young Jeezy Featuring Jay-Z & Andre 300083: The Trouble With Girls, Scotty McCreery
84: Lights, Ellie Goulding
85: Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites, Skrillex
86: Stupid Hoe, Nicki Minaj
87: I Will Always Love You, Glee Cast88: Don't Stop (Color On The Walls), Foster The People
89: Somethin' 'Bout A Truck, Kip Moore
90: I Can Only Imagine, David Guetta Featuring Chris Brown & Lil Wayne
91: Faded, Tyga Featuring Lil Wayne
92: Stereo Hearts, Glee Cast
93: Where I Come From, Montgomery Gentry
94: Love's Gonna Make It Alright, George Strait
95: Bangarang, Skrillex Featuring Sirah
96: Lonely Boy, The Black Keys
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97: Drank In My Cup, Kirko Bangz
98: No Church In The Wild, Jay Z Kanye West Featuring Frank Ocean
99: You Don't Know Her Like I Do, Brantley GilbertSaturday
100: Raise Your Weapon, deadmau5 Featuring Greta Svabo Bech
Saturday, March 3, 2012
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